The Innovation Pioneers in Disinfection are Positioned as the Best Insurance for Food Safety
The new Investment team of BIOIONIX LLC has purchased all assets of BIOIONIX INC. The new organization will be built on the proven technology platform developed in the last 12 years. Using patented and AI technology, the BIOIONIX system enhances and monitors many food safety processes, eliminating costly chemicals/disinfectants and human errors, along with an AI monitoring system for preventative system failure and disease outbreak.
Former engineering manager and newly appointed President Ryan KARNS updated that, “In the last 12 years, we have turned a concept and passion for food safety into a proven technology. We have many successful installations worldwide on four (4) continents in Cheese, Processed Meat and Aquaculture. The new investment team of BIOIONIX LLC will allow us to accelerate our market growth and position us as the obvious nonchemical solution for Food Safety.”
Longtime employee and Vice President of Food Safety and Business Development John Van Arsdale stated, “Our ability to safely produce Bioionix SuperOxidants™ in our enclosed chambers, virtually eradicates many harmful pathogenic bacteria, yeast /mold, spoilage organisms and red tide — that are the nemesis of food production. Our systems are so versatile and have numerous applications such as cleaning incoming seawater, brine systems in recirculating tanks along with safely disinfecting wastewater that is returned to the sea and many other applications. We have recently received FCN Food Contact Notification approval from the FDA single use as an antimicrobial agent in an aqueous solution in the production and preparations of whole or cut meat and poultry; processed and preformed meat and poultry; fish and seafood; fruits and vegetables; plant-based proteins used as meat substitutes; shell egg and cheese.”
New investor and Chief Vision Officer for both Bioionix LLC and Mad (Making a Difference) Loafers, John McBride claims that Bioionix has spent millions in the past 12 years on their proven patented technology. This product had been marketed as a cost-effective solution to chemicals, when really it is a data-based AI monitoring system and controls many of the most critical processes in food safety. Our systems and monitoring will give our customers clear and accurate data on their commitment to food safety and transparency to all consumers who purchase their products.
Jennifer McBride, also a new investor, who is the CEO of Mad Loafers and will be the acting CFO for BIOIONIX LLC, outlined that the company has already upgraded its computer software system on the day of closing accurate inventory and build assemblies. With the influx of new money, we have already invested in inventory and parts to support our growth projections. Our goal for existing and new customers is to supply the best technology with the best support and service. Our goal is to position ourselves as the best insurance you can have for FOOD SAFETY.