Your Sustainability Partner
Your Sustainability Partner
Progressive companies have added a new pillar to their core values. This new pillar is sustainability and in general is a commitment to transparency to all consumers, employees and shareholders to the environment and society. BIOIONIX® is an FDA approved system that replaces harmful and corrosive chemicals and detergents. Our all natural and safe SuperOxidants™ are ideal in food processing, animal agriculture, aquaculture, greenhouse crop farming and any enclosed buildings where humans work and gather. Many research projects have proven our SuperOxidants™ can eradicate and kill surface and airborne pathogens and diseases like listeria, salmonella, Red Tide, Avian influenza (bird Flu), Swine Flu, covid, molds, fungi and many more. If Sustainability is your core pillar then BIOIONIX® will be the perfect solution for you.
It’s Simply Organic!
WATER AND SALT – A simple saline solution of water and often less than 0.5% salt are the ONLY ingredients needed for our reactor to produce limitless amounts of disinfectants that are non-toxic, non-corrosive, and 100 times as effective as chlorine bleach.
BIOIONIX® is the ONLY industrial scale producer of Electrolyzed Water Solutions in the world.

BIOIONIX® is the ONLY industrial scale producer of Electrolyzed Water Solutions in the world.
Sustainability Initiatives Partnerships:
Many of our valued customers have adopted stringent Sustainability goals and targets. BIOIONIX® can support many of these important directives and working together provide the critical documentation. We support initiatives like: food safety, employee safety, harmful chemical reduction and elimination, water reuse and reduction, improved animal health and safety, safe disposal of brines and other solutions. Transparent reporting and documentation to all shareholder including your employees, owners, customers, suppliers and consumers. Consumers are demanding proof and transparency in products achieving real sustainable objectives. At BIOIONIX® we take your sustainability goals to heart and have a department offering a sustainability partner liaison to support your sustainability and marketing team!
What Makes BIOIONIX the Sustainable Choice?
What Makes BIOIONIX the Sustainable Choice?
Use Less, Use Again, Use Better!
Your resources are valuable — water, electricity, time, chemicals. No added chemicals means huge savings in money, time, storage, and reduced employee hazards.

How’s it Work?
BIOIONIX systems use the same organic chemicals to disinfect as the human immune system. Our systems use water and salt to create Hypochlorous Acid.

What is SAEW?
SAEW is the most complete form of Electrolyzed Water (EW). pH makes an enormous difference on most characteristics of EW.
What is Hypochlorous Acid?

BIOIONIX® is the ONLY industrial scale producer of Electrolyzed Water Solutions in the world.