A More Perfect Solution

The BIOIONIX® system is a more perfect solution to disinfection in so many ways. We’re excited to bring our technology to the world to make an impact for our customers that’s cleaner, safer and healthier.

all natural superoxidants

Just salt and water is all that’s needed.

100x more effective than chlorine bleach

More powerful kill stage that also keeps its power.


No harsh chemicals to degrade your equipment.

cleaner safer healthier

Safer to employees, animals, and the planet. No chemical hazards in your plant. Hypochlorous acid is a part of the human immune system.

Learn More

The BIOIONIX system is a more perfect solution to disinfection in so many ways. We’re excited to bring our technology to the world to make an impact for our customers that’s cleaner, safer and healthier.

Our Technology

Patented three-tier system acts as an artificial immune system in food safety.


Our Disinfection Systems use the same organic chemicals to disinfect as the human immune system.


Remote system monitoring and alerts 24/7.


Your sustainability partner, helping to … Use Less, Use Again, Use Better!

ROI Calculator

Meet Sustainability Initiatives …AND Save Money.

Ask an Expert

Got a question? We’re here to help. We have experts in engineering, food safety professionals, food manufacturing, chemists and animal health experts!
