BIOIONIX®Technology that is USDA approved to promote safe and natural cleaning of drinking water, animal disinfecting, equipment and building surfaces, along with internal pipes. Animal-controlled environments where chickens, turkeys, pigs and cows are raised for meat protein, eggs and milk production face many challenges old and new. As animals were moved from outdoor fields, cages and penning into controlled buildings, the farm managers were able to increase and control production. Focus was put on ventilation, feeding, watering, lighting and an overall improved living-conditions. In turn the animals showed substantial improvements in feed to weight gains, lower mortality, increased egg production and milk production etc.
These new environment-controlled buildings have sophisticated controls that adjust air flow for air quality, temperature controls to maintain comfortable inside environments in cold and warm climates. Adjusted lighting levels were designed to simulate natural outdoor lighting as well.
However, there are negatives to this new approach. Too many of these environments are the concentration of animals and the ability to easily transfer airborne diseases like Avian influence for birds, Swine flu for pigs and pneumonia in cattle, among many others. Also, the waste byproducts produced by so many animals creates harmful pathogens and disease that can be contracted and transferred through contact. These diseases can be treated with expensive antibiotics, harmful chemicals and in many cases — like Avian Influenza or similar — euthanization of complete flocks or herds. The financial and ecological devastation from these growing hazards wreak havoc on our food safety and food cost.
BIOIONIX® technology and knowledge can be applied to not just prevent and protect from these catastrophes, but actually improve animal health, production and safety for both the animals and humans working within the animal-controlled environments.

BIOIONIX offers a variety of applications to eliminate disease and pathogens from farming environments all safely without harmful chemicals, from fogging, spraying, watering for feeding and more.
More Perfect Solution
The BIOIONIX systems, utilizing Electrolyzed Water could be the complete system to address disease and pathogens with complete disinfection solutions from farm to fork.